Thursday, August 10, 2006

Prelude: The Boise / Oregon Ghost Town Tour...

I just returned from a week on the road, having played a concert in Boise, Idaho. I thought it would be fun to use my next few posts to tell you about the trip and share some photos.

For this concert event, I decided to do something I'd never done before - take the whole family with me! Boise is just an 11 hour drive from my home, so it was pretty much a no brainer. We rented a Ford Explorer so we could fit the entire family PLUS all my usual "tour" stuff. I had intended to rent a mini-van, but the vans were all gone when I went to pick up my rental. So, I was upgraded to an Explorer. Initially, I wasn't very happy about it, but in the end, I'm really glad we had the SUV. You'll read why in my next post.

Since I was traveling through eastern Oregon to get to Boise, I decided to also use this trip to scout locations for a photo shoot. For my next CD, an album of traditional Hymn arrangements, I'm trying to locate a very old, isolated, pioneer era church. Something that just gives the impression of a past generation. I want the album cover to have the "feel" of a bygone era.

I had a few photos of some old churches in Oregon that I'd found on the Internet. I wanted to hunt those down, plus explore a number of "ghost towns" in Oregon to try and find just the right location.

So all in all, the objective of this tour was...
1) To play the concert in Boise
2) Spend quality time with the family
3) Search the back roads of Oregon for the perfect "pioneer church."

It was a GREAT trip! More to come...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool! There's a church much like you described in Memphis. It always creeped me out. Its huge and old!
It must be really great to bring your family with you!:)

7:34 PM  

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